Traveling the Wabanaki Way - share your feedback at
Traveling the Wabanaki Way - share your feedback at
According to one legend he was created by the great spirit. In another, he was born to a mother who died in childbirth. In some legends, Keluwoskap himself created the Wabanaki tribes, while others say the great spirit created the Wabanaki and Keluwoskap stepped into teach them survival skills. He taught them which animals and fish were suitable for food he taught them the virtues of plants, roots and barks. He also told them the names of the stars. Keluwskap is always portrayed as an honourable hero and a good caretaker and teacher of the Wabanaki people. Sometimes he plays the role of a transformer, changing monsters into harmless animals or adapting the landscape to be more favourable to the people. Sometimes he plays the role of the trickster, but only in the mischievous or humorous sense. In many legends, keluwoskap left the land of the Wabanaki but promised to return one day if they should ever have need for him. Keluowskap legends are shared today to keep the knowledge alive. They serve not only to entertain, but also to demonstrate lessons of survival.
Itomuwiw pesqon atkuhkakon Kci-niwesq yaq kisiyat. Kotok itomuwiw wikuwossol mehciniyil neke nemihqosit. Anqoc atkuhkakonol, Keluwoskap ote kisiyot Waponahkewi, kotokil itomuwiwol eli Kci-niwesq kisiyot Waponahkewi naka Keluwoskap kisokehkimot wecikisawsultitit. 'Kisokehkima tan yuhuht weyossis naka nomehsu kisomahtit. 'Kisokehkima tan eli koluwok kiskihkahsik, wocopsqiyil nakawolokasqol. 'Kisi na yaha eliwisultitit possesomok. Keluwoskap mecimiw te oluwikhasu tahalu op kihcitomitahamqosit mikahkewin naka nutankeyutiket naka nutokehkimot Waponahkewi. Anqoc ona nuci acehtoq keq, 't-acehla cipinaqsilitweyossis weci linaqsit tahalu wansit weyossis kosona 't-acehtun ktahkomiq wecikisi wikultitit pomawsuwinuwok. Anqoc ona pahculuweskit, kenuk tehpu yali milhoma kosona yali wihqinaqsu. Wisokelkil atkuhkakonol Keluwoskap 'kisinokotomon Waponahkewey ktahkomiq kenuk kisi spi-wolame eli oc apaciyot tanetuci nituwamahtit. Keluwoskapeyol atkuhkakonol pemkiskahk mawehkasuwol weci kcicihtomuwakon pomawsuwik. Kat tehpu 'ci weci wikuwaceyik kenuk ona weci nostuhmuwinomok tan eli kisi-wicuhkemsultiyeq.
Neote agenotemagen teloeg Otjitjagamitj gisiatitl. Ap egteg teloag ogoitjel neplisen gisi ositgamonaaloteg. Atogagen teloag Keluwoskap kisatji negem Wabanaagigieoag, egtet teloag, Otjijagamitj gisiatji paseg na Keluwoskap gisi ginamoatji taan teli otaisiteo oen. Ginamoatji eotjit taan oisist ag nemetj tan gelosit , igaatagelatn,tjipisgl, ag Tjigemoatg. Aag gagi oitatji glogeotjg. Keluwoskap na teliosolaalot geloosit tjinem, aag maliamatji Wabanaagigeoag. Gisi saseoalsiteo taantelegsatg, tjipagaalolteo, gesnet oantageteo, gesnet tan tel poatemititj sgitjinoog. Egel milaatigeteo , gesnetgiseteo. Teloetjig na Kelowsapnagtegsep Wabanaagig Pasna telemasni nematjoinoog apatjaasiteo tan totjomenoagelotj. Keluwoskapel aatogagen na teloegetasigel oogtjit ginaamasotiil. Paseg ag na telimoogsig taan metoeg oetjitamgand oetaosoltig.
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