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Alasotemagen na negaogepmeg ootjit Wapanaagigeoag. Oiagteg na alasotemagenigtog taan teloltimgesnegaag ta oenoltig. Egtapegianigtog aag taan teli amalgaltoltimg, aag taanteligtapegiatimg, na mao alasotemagen.Lno na teligtlamsetasitemset goei teloget na oiagteg alasotemagen. Alasotemat eotjit taan gogeiegoong, taan gogei eoeoeg aag taan telogetj aag tan teseg mitjiptjeoei aagoisisel taan eoegaatl eotji mimatjin. Alasotemagen eoegetasig eotjit oennepiloot, genet oen gisi pontalootj. Oositgamoonalootj mitjooatjitj, genetnatsonoeoitj oen. Tann tootjo oen nepg aag saseoigisgeg. Wabanaagigeoag nateligtelamsotasoltitjig emet gogei otjitjagmitjemig- moigisg, ositgamo,oasoegel aag oisisg. Telisoatog na sige oetagoot aag tel maliapteg ositgamog.
Olotahkewakonolwiskokimqotul 'ciw Waponahkiyik. Nit eliktonukok 'ciw wolamsotomuwakonol naka kehkimsuwakonol, wiciw nilun elipomawsultiyeq. Yuhtol wolamsotomuwakonolkinuwaskutikonol qenawsultiyeq. Pomokatimok naka lintutimok anqoc wiciyehtol olotahkewakonok. Olotahkewakonol wehkasuwolehtahsi-kiskahk 'ciw psi te keq. Iyololotahkewakonol 'ciw wespasahkiwik, 'ciw wolasuweltomuwakon, 'ciwkotunkahtimok, amatimok naka maqenhatimok. Olotahkewakon ona wehkasu 'ciw kikehtikon. Apc kotok wehkasu weci macepawolut mecikitcocahq. Nemiqosit pileyahsis wehkasuolotahkewakon. Olotahkewakon 'ci wennoci pilapiqahat weci kcicitaq keq cuwi oluhke qenawsit. Apc kotok wehkasu tan eci cocahq nokotokskitkomiq. Tan eci accessik elikotokolotahkewakon oc wehkasu. Waponahkiyik wewinomonyaeli psi tama ihit cocahq - musikisq, skitkomiq, kihkasikil nakaweyossisok. Yut litahasuwakonwicuhkemkunen weci mawawsultiyeq wiciw psi keq amoniw eyik. Nit weci Waponahkiyik cuwi onkeyutomutitskitkomiq
These beliefs are influenced milestones of life. Dancing, singing, and chanting may also be part of a ceremony. Ceremonies are a part of everyday life and celebrate the ordinary, the visual, or the special events. There are ceremonies used the greet the day, to give thanks for all the events of the day, for hunting, fishing, and gathering sustenance. A ceremony is used to heal someone who falls ill or is troubled.
Another is used to ward off unwanted or bad spirits. The arrival of a new born baby is greeted with a ceremony. Vision quest ceremonies give a person a sense of purpose in life. Another is used as a spirit leaves the world. The change of a season is honoured by a ceremony. Wabanaki recognize that everything has spirit – the ski, the earth, the plants, and the animals. This thought is an integral part of the relationship that Wabanaki have their surroundings. It is the expression of the responsibility that Wabanaki have as caretakers of the earth.
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